Original Cake specializes in baking authentic Taiwanese Castella Cake that originated from Tamsui Old Street in Taipei, Taiwan. Original Cake in Flushing is our first location in North America. All of our cakes are freshly baked daily to ensure the fluffiness texture and richness of flavor. We are always exploring new recipes to create more of those innovative flavors such as Strawberry Banana. The Original Cake team is dedicated to serving the most authentic and creative cake to our customers alongside our fabulous customer-center service.
Freshly made daily, freshly baked for over 90 Minutes to ensure the cake raise slowly.
The taste is particularly fuffly and paired with the rich flavor of eggs and fresh milk.
Leading to excellent taste and aroma.
If not refrigerated, please consume within 24 hours
If stored refrigerated, please consumed within 3 days.
If stored frozen, it must be consumed within 7 days to ensure the cake is freshiness and deliciousiness.